Saturday, August 2, 2008

There is No Place Like Home!

I am Home!

Yes, I am now in the exciting city in the center of the United States!!! I am having a hard time getting use to the time zone. I usually don’t have a problem, but maybe it is just worse because I didn’t get a lot of rest the couple of weeks before I arrived home!

Going Home July 28, 2008:
Jiin様 took me to Furukawa to get on the Shinkansen @ 10:06. Mi Supervisor, Mi Japanese Papa, and the head of the B.O.E. showed up to send me on mi way! It was really nice and sad @ the same time! I arrived at Toyko Station @ 12:24 and headed to Narita Express that was scheduled to leave @ 13:03, while waiting I met an interesting lady from Hong Kong. She was originally from Malaysia. She lived in Australia and London, but now is working in Hong Kong. We talked the whole Narita Express ride she just happened to sit next to me. I got to Narita, picked up mi luggage, checked-in, and went through customs. I gave mi Foreigner’s Card! I am no looooonger a foreign resident of Japan anymore. T_T!!! I waited @ mi gate #31 for about 2.5-3 hours until mi flight!
On the flight, I had an aisle seat, but there was a guy who asked me if he could switch with me. He was in the middle, but there was a lot of room, so I said, “Yes.” Apparently he was in the wrong row, so I went back to the smallest area of space and it wasn’t toooo bad. The people in the row were nice. The flight was really really cold. I had to put the blanket over mi head just to keep warm. It sucked.

I arrived in Chicago. Got checked-in for mi flight home! Went through Security etc. and I still had to wait about 5 hours just to take mi 1 hour flight home. I arrived home @ 22:30 on July 28, 2008. Mi mommy came and picked mi up! Helped mi with mi luggage etc. We I got home I gave her gifts and she gave mi some yummy Mexican Food!!! T_T Wipe a Tear! Afterwards, went to sleep! It was a loooong day that lasted two days!!! T_T

Last Day with the Gang July 27, 2008:

Went to the Lamb Restaurant and Karaoke in Yamoto!!! ^_^