I have enrolled, registered for classes, went through two orientations and am now going to classes. It is very exhausting on Tuesdays because I have 4 classes and I am going to be at school for at least 12 hours!!!! @_@ Oh, the life of a student again.
Right now, My schedule is this:
Mondays: Leadership Practice, Social Entrepreneurship, Chinese
Tuesdays: International Marketing Management, Managerial Economics, Managerial Accounting, Marketing Management
Wednesday: Chinese
Thursday: China Financial Industry
Friday: Chinese
I have a total of 13 credits, but I am not sure if I should take another class on Saturday, in which would make my credits to a total of 16. That is probably toooo much since my Tuesday classes are very demanding, but I can change my classes until the 26th, so we will see what happens.
I met a lot of wonderful people here and I am excited to be a part of this class, program, and school. I just wish I was more business orientated, but I will learn. ^_^ Also, I wish I had a kitchen, so I could eat healthier, but that is a whole another story!