I am almost done! It is hard to believe that I will be going home a week from today! I can't express how happy I am thinking about going home and seeing the people I love. I get to see my family, the love of my life, and not have to worry about case studies, papers, group projects, etc. Don't get me wrong I do like it here in Taiwan, it is just that I miss mi Bubba ~I can't truly be satisfied unless I have him by my side. There are so many adventures that I have had here in Taiwan, mostly within the area of school because getting an MBA is quite a lot of work. I have met so many wonderful people and I am truly honored to have met them. There are a few people that have made an impact in my life here in Taiwan and without you I am certain that I couldn't have survived without your support, you know who you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that I am coming back to Taiwan in September, but I just wanted to say my thanks before I went home.
Thank You. Thank You. Thank you.