I have been up for 24 hours now. No, I am not on an airplane or traveling across the International date line. I am trying to get use to changing of my body-clock. My body-clock has been positioned and stuck in the night shift mode, it basically means I get up at 5:00p.m. and I go to bed at 8 a.m.. This has been my crazy thesis writing life, starting a couple weeks before mid-terms. I am trying to break that habit and try to live a normal life once again as my thesis defense approaches in less than two days. @_@. It just happens that I am the very first person in a line of about four. I am actually happy about that because I can...mmmm what's the phrase????..."Lower the bar!" <--I hope I do well, so many people have helped me get this done along with hearing my constant complaining about my lack of direction. Yes, Thank you, you know who you are! ^_~
I am hoping to stay up for another five hours, but time has been going really slow today. WHY???? I mean, yes, I want more time to work on my defense's ppt and practice, but at the same time I would like to go to bed. Oh, the predicament I am in! Life, it is definitely a __________________. (You fill-in the blank too tired to actually be philosophical, hee hee).
All I know is that I am very happy about a certain couple that hasn't seen each other in a long time. Their love is overflowing in this picture and should represent no matter how much life wears us down, we remain durable and double-ply.