Sarah loves not working on the weekdays. Sarah had Monday and Tuesday off, since Sarah worked the weekend!!! Thanks to Matty’s selfishness we (Jiin, Annie (aka NiNi), and Sarah) decided to go to Naruko Gorge (aka Jorge (to NiNi))!!! It was a lovely road trip on a lovely day. Naruko wasn’t crowded like last year, but then again we went about 2 weeks earlier than last year and on a weekday instead of a weekend. Overall, it was super fun.
After our Naruko adventure we went to eat din-din in Furukawa, since it was on our way back. We decided we wanted to go to ステーキ1(Suteki 1), which is a Japanese steak joint! It wasn’t bad at all. It is definitely not KANSAS steak, but they had a salad bar (and that had made all the difference!!!) When we got out of my car to go into the restaurant, my third year junior high kids were walking by, saw me, and yelled hello. Soooooo, on Wednesday when I was teaching the third years, they kept on saying “ステーキ1ステーキ1!!!” They then asked me about my “Korean” friends. I told them that they were Americans and they were SHOCKED!!! The didn’t really understand it until I explained to them that people can be American without looking gaijin gaijin.
Then they started to talk about how good my Japanese was and that they were hoping to see my boyfriend by saw my "korean" friends instead. I always tell them I don’t have a boyfriend, but do they believe me??? Nopers. Maybe I should just cut my hair really really short then they will believe that I don’t have one. Cutting hair super short = heart break!!! Oh, wait I did cut my hair…stupid split ends…Anyways, I was really glad when the class was over. OH, ステーキ1T_T

Tuesday, I didn’t do much except winter-proof my apartment and go to sign language!!! Yes, the winter is going to be freakin’ cold! I am sooooooooo not looking forward to it, but I guess in about 55 days I will go home for 2 weeks and enjoy the central heating. Then in February, I will escape to Taiwan for a week!
Today, I feel sick. My throat is killing me!!! T_T My nose is annoying me too. It needs to either be stuffy or runny???? ANNOYIN’
One of my third years interviewed me about America today. These were his questions:
1. I heard Americans like to drink Coke?
2. How much Coke do you drink a day?
3. Why do Americans eat a lot for dinner?
4. What is the difference between Japanese stores and American stores?
My Answers:
1. Yes, they do.
2. About 1 L/ a day.
3. Americans have more time to prepare food and therefore they make more. More time, More preparing, More eating. Dinner is an important time for Americans because that is when they get to spend time with their families. (What I wanted to say was…because WE ARE JUST FATTIES!!!)
4. There are a lot of 24 hour stores.
Here are some poems that my third year J.H.S. students wrote:
Broken Heart
Sin, Punishment, Compensation
Though I want love
Cool Fish
Killing, Killing, Eating
It’s the strongest fish
I have English Conversation Class tonight!!! Just want to stay home!!! T_T