Recently, Sarah has been depressed. Things have been changing around Sarah too quickly that Sarah is going too slowly to catch up!!! Sarah is not quite sure what to do? Sarah guesses Sarah just needs to shoot some rabbits! Sarah hasn’t seen Sarah’s peeps in about 4 days and that is probably causing these feelings. T_T SARAH MISSES EVERYONE!!! Japan isn’t the same without the Gaijin Rangers in the same country, but that isn’t all the problems that are coming up. Sarah guesses that Sarah depended on everyone too much or Sarah is just losin’ it!!! Sarah feels useless too!!! Sarah doesn’t know where Sarah belongs? Sarah doesn’t want to stay here another year, but Sarah has no idea where Sarah wants to be! Sarah doesn’t mind being here, but Sarah wishes Sarah had someone to depend on and will always be there! Sarah doesn’t like to be alone all the time. But then again who really does? ?_?
Sarah likes working. It makes Sarah’s day so much better to have this craziness, confusion, and familiarity of English. Even if the dialogue sounds sooo stupid, it is English and it is something Sarah understands. Sarah can act crazy and the kids semi-know what is going on, but most of the time they are just entertained by Sarah’s craziness!!!
Today’s Lesson (First Grade Junior High)*:
Mike: Let’s have lunch.
Emi: All right.
Mike: Oh, no! My cola!
I don’t have any tissues.
Do you have any?
Emi: No, but I have a handkerchief.
Here. Use this.
*Yeppers that is what Sarah teaches Sarah’s kids, so if ever his/her cola spills their friend can offer him/her a handkerchief!!!

Today, Sarah came to work with Sarah’s hair straight. It freaks people out because Sarah’s image has changed, Sarah is looking “cool.” Sarah decided that Sarah was tired of looking ugly and spent time straightening Sarah’s hair last night! Woke up and dressed up in black and came to school. Sarah’s teachers and kids are really surprised at the change. It is quite funny. They tell Sarah that everyday Sarah looks cute, but today Sarah looks slick!!! Sarah doesn’t know how hair up in a clip, t-shirt, and sweat pants are cute, but whatever, ne? One teacher that comes once a week, thought that the school got a new ALT, he didn’t realize it was the same old Sarah!!! So, that really made Sarah’s day!!!!

Japan-ness: In America, if someone were behind you as you were walking through a door, you would hold it open for them, right? Apparently, NOT IN JAPAN.! Sarah had to go pay Sarah’s electricity bill at the convenience store, a man was walking in before Sarah and just let the door go even though he did see Sarah. Now, Sarah is use to these acts because they aren’t Japanese manners, but Sarah wasn’t in the Japanese mode when we went. She had an English conversation class before Sarah went and was in English-ness mode. Sarah WASN’T really BOTHERED by this (can’t be bothered) until Sarah left the convenience store. As Sarah was leaving Sarah held the door for another man who was walking out. What does he do??? He opens the other door instead of taking the door from me!!! So, Sarah just shut it on him!!! What was he thinking, I wonder? Does Sarah just like holding the door? Wouldn’t you understand that Sarah was being nice???
Person: What is your favorite hobby?
Sarah: Sarah would say that it would be…holding doors open @ convenience stores.
Person: Is there any reason for that?
Sarah: Nope, just like to stand there and look stupid!!!
Person: I understand!
Sarah: Yeppers!!! ^_^ Yea!!!

(Can't wait to shoot these Rabbits!!!)
On SOME Happy Notes:
Halloween is in 27 days
Davey’s 23rd birthday is in 37 days (lb)
Sarah goes home in 76 days
Christmas is in 82 days
Jiin’s birthday is in 100 days
Going home to Taiwan in 120 days
Hashi’s birthday is in 153 days
My birthday is in 194 days
Yusan’s 21st+ birthday is in 205 days
Annie’s birthday is in 213 days
Hypertwin & Matty’s birthday is in 247 days!!!
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