I have been meaning to write on my blog for the longest time, but I have been busy doing other stuff. Writing a blog has been on my to-do list for a long time along with tons of other things I need to get done, but have been either tooo busy or toooo lazy. I am sooo tired!!! I just want to sleep. I feel asleep at work today. My vice-principle woke me up and asked me if I was okay. If I caught a cold or was sick, but I just told him I was tired. I felt really bad, but I really didn’t mean to fall asleep I guess it just happened. Oooppies, my bad!!! I can’t be bothered by it because it doesn’t maaaattterrr!!! I blame it on the weather.
Halloween Party in Monou:
This was last month, but worth writing a little about. We all had a party at Alex’s house, which was really nice. To party with people, drink, watch the movies, dance, and have a place to crash!!! Everyone dressed up and it was really fun. We went and had dinner at Akira’s work before we went to Monou. Good times!!!

We haven’t gone Karaoking since September, but it was really fun. I wish Hashi, Andrea, and Davey were there too, but they had to go home T_T!!! It was really fun. We stayed about 2 hours and I didn't get home until 2 a.m.
Annie wanted to go down to Sendai to donate blood. Matty, Alex, and Annie donated their non-dormant mad cow disease blood. Jiin and I went down to Sendai before the other fatties. After running for a train and just making it was kind of exciting and painfully tiring!!! I almost felt I was in Yamoto, going to Sendai with mi Hypertwin because we usually had to run for da train. We all ate dinner together at the Vietnamese/Thai restaurant.
Pancake Day:
Actually turned into American Breakfast Day. Jiin and I decided to make pancakes because the hottokeeki mix was on sale!!! Therefore, we made pancakes, hash browns, bacon (in Japan they don’t really know what REAL bacon is, so it was more like ham T_T), and little hotdogs! It was very yummy! I made soccer ball and Mickey Mouse pancakes. ^_^
Stupid Christmas Cakes:
There are back!!! The legendary Christmas Cakes. I really love cakes and I really love Christmas, but Japan’s idea of Christmas cakes really bother me. To get a “Christmas Cake” that is the size of my hand will cost me about my arm. The average Christmas cake is about $40. Is a little Christmas cake worth it…NO!!! I don’t think sooo!!! That is why I am going to go home and get a wonderful Sam’s cake for more than half that price and much more yummy!!! I LOVE AMERICA!!!! In your face, Christmas Cake!!!!
P.S. (11/11) Happy 23rd Birthday to da Brit!!! ^_^
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