I just want to thank everyone who came and partied with me! It was really fun. Thank you sooooo much. A lot of fun things happened throughout this weekend. Let’s start with the beginning of the weekend…→
Namaskar Event:
Habitat for Humanity held an event at the Namaskar restaurant in the Bivi building in Sendai next to the station. All-you-can-EAT yummy Indian curry from 6-8 p.m. for ¥2000, in which ¥500 was going to Habitat for Humanity. When we got there it seemed really crowded. The place (if you know it..isn’t big at all!!!) had about almost 45-ish people??? Well, I think they could fit like 30, but maximum about 50 people. Since, we are in Japan the measurements might be calculated to Japanese sized people???? They made room for us (5 peeps), so we could sit together. I didn’t really know anyone there because 1. I think they were mostly Sendai Jets and 2. I don’t party that much and especially in Sendai. Overall, it was fun.
The 8:39 train to Kogota from Sendai on Friday:
I think this was the best part of the trip the going home on the train after our adventure in Sendai. It was just really funny. We (Jiin様 and I) decided to take the 8:39 train to Kogota on a FRIDAY! We got there early enough to be at the beginning of the line to get on to the train. Once the train was there we were able to get seats. HRS. As it was approaching the time to depart, the train became really crowded. There was this guy who apparently liked alcohol so much that he either 1. wore it as cologne or 2. was really drunk. Everyone was carrying an umbrella because it had been rainy all day. He was carrying an umbrella and a little man bag. He walked on to the train and stood in front of the foreigners. He got really close, keep on getting closer, in which made Jiin様 have to uncross her legs because of it. @ first, his umbrella was in between Jiin様 and my legs. The when the train started moving the umbrella was moved to be in between just Jiin様’s legs with the little man bag resting on Jiin様’s right knee. Jiin様 wasn’t in the mood for this soooo she was expressing her pissed off-ness by using her Cali-charm, which included some lovely word usage. I think the drunkard man understood the pissed off-ness…definitely not the English. @ this one stop there were two ladies who were sitting next to me that were getting off. The woman standing in front of them moved back a little to make room, so they could get out before she would take the sit, but the stupid drunkard man decided that HE was going to sit. He slid over me and took the seat before the woman was able to take a step forward. Yes, he was 100% @$$h0l3!!! Then once the train was moving he started to doze-off. I told Jiin様 that if he touched me I would kill him, after that he stayed awake and once the train was clearing out he would slowly move away from me. THANK GOD. I really didn’t like him. Grrrr!!!
Here is a picture of him, so if you see him on a train in Sendai..
>Beware of getting really angry!!!<
Can you pass me the peanuts? There were these businessmen coming home from Sendai on the train too. They were sitting in the four person seats on the train. All drinking their Asahi beers and their peanuts! It was funny. They were all red in the face and just very jolly…probably because it was Friday. They seemed to be uniformed with their suits and their bags above the seats. It looked very Japanesey!
Another guy on the train that I wasn’t able to get a picture of was in front of us before we got to Kashimadai. He had a stitched cobra and sun logo on his jean pockets. I was asking Jiin様 what she thought it could mean. We had noooo idea, but we realized that he had no @$$. That Jiin様 had more meat on hers than he had. It was really funny. Who says you need to have alcohol to have fun…just go on the 8:39 train to Kogota on Fridays from Sendai.
Mi Birthday Fiestai

We had reservations at this little place in Yamoto called Ochaya, in which people either ate Omuraisu or Tacoraisu. We were suppose to be there @ 630, but were running late because of late-ness! We got there around 7-ish! Everyone was there! Harrison came up from Sendai and was waiting the longest there at the restaurant. Sorry!!! T_T !!! @ this place, Scotty found his new passion of giving himself a high-5! Yes, he said it was the new fad in England and that we weren’t cool! ~Self High-5~ We got the honor of getting Alex’s little miss piggy laugh caught on video. HRS! After Ochaya we went to Yamaya to get some beverages! ~yums~


Once we got to the karaoke place we had to wait about 40 minutes, since it was a Saturday and we didn’t have a reservation for a room. We scared a lot of natives, while waiting…we took up most of the hallway. Scared some Junior High School students and various Japanese people. We were blowing up balloons, throwing them around, and just being generally GAIJIN LOUD!!! ^_^ Once, we got into our room we had a wonderful time singing random songs, jumping around, dancing, throwing balloons up in the air to see how many could stay up at a time and just being ourselves → KRASY!!! We did that for about 3 hours!!!! Everyone sang 上手*上手!!! Took lots of videos ^_^!!!

Had mi birthday cake there…~yummy strawberries~
Afterwards, we drove to Ishinomaki to drop off Annie before we headed to Alex’s house to continue the party. Alex drove, Kent was in the passenger seat, Annie, Matty, Harrison and I were squished in the back seat. Good thingie it only took us about 15 minutes to get there! HRS! Yea, for NO traffic after midnight!
We got to Alex’s and she was finally allowed to drink!!! We stopped at Family Mart before we went to her house to get mi some ICE and some munchies! @ her house, we all got comfortable and we played the wii until 3:20. Kent went to bed early because he had work the next day and wanted @ least 3 hours of sleep…Greedy!!! Matty automatically passed out on Alex’s bed, while we were playing Mario Kart. ~Sleepy Matty!~
Hanami and Getting Lost:

On Sunday, we woke up around 9-ish and it was a gorgeous day, in which we decided to find this park, so we can look at wonderful pretty sakura (cherry blossoms). We ate at this cute little restaurant at the near by town and I had the best fried shrimp (えび焼き) I have had in a looooong time. Then we went to get some Kaiten-Yaki, but it ended up being Oban-yaki T_T!! After that we had to find this park. We got lost and thought we should ask these cute little old ladies just sitting in their front yard. They didn’t really understand me and it was really hard to understand the lady who had no teeth. NOTE: when asking old people in Japan or in general anything (ex. directions) make sure they have teeth! ←hee hee!! Finally, we did what they said??? We ended up being where we wanted to be. It was really pretty. We ate our Oban-yaki and walked around the park. This park had a lake and was really nice being outside. We ran into Sara Tamo, she was BBQ-ing and we joined her little group before we had to leave and meet up with Jiin様! We ended up being an hour late because we got lost…Very LOST!!! We found our way and all was good. We decided to make dinner at Alex’s house, which consisted of onion cakes and spaghetti! I made the onion cakes, Matty made the spaghetti, and Alex did the dishes! For dessert, we had strawberries and condensed milk…~yummy~!!! We played Mario Kart. Harrison and Jiin様 unlocked all the levels, they were on a mission to open Rainbow Road, in which is a CRAZY ROAD!!! It is pretty, but CRAZY!! We also watched some Power Ranger Episodes! I had a wonderful time this weekend and I hope everyone else did too…I think everyone had fun!!!

Thanks!!! ありがとうございます!謝謝!!!
man this blog entry was HUGE! but i managed - thanks to my monte cristo training! *self-high five!!*
actually, i'm not sure what part of england giving people self-high fives is popular... maybe little villages inhabited by one person, kana?
you should ask scotty if there is running water where he comes from, or if he was to walk ten miles to the nearest well...
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