Annie’s student (I still don’t know her name), Akira, Harrison, Jiin様, Matty, Yoshimi, and I went to see Annie and Alex’s presentation @ the MAJET ALT Art Show in Sendai on Sunday, June 1st. Annie and Alex’s presentation was over Chinese Food that lasted a little bit over 30 minutes. It was really good and it really made me miss “real” Chinese food. (T_T ~Yums~ That is okay. I will be going home and I know a really good authentic Chinese food place, not to be confused with American-Chinese food! If I really want to eat really good food I can always save mi money and go visit mi Asian! I miss her soooo much!!! I miss you, Yusan!!! T_T!!!) Anyways, back to the presentation. I really enjoyed it. They gave us food. What presentation isn’t good when they give you food??? It seemed like the natives liked the presentation, too. It was also fun picking on Yoshimi先生 by taking random pictures of her. ^_^ hee hee!!!
We were planning on going to an All-You-Can-Eat Steak place, but unfortunately we left the art show later than planned therefore causing us not to make it in time for the lunch special, so we decided to go to the place we went to eat last time during the mid-year conference, but they were closed. We found a restaurant in the same building. In Japan, many places don’t usually serve late lunches, so we decided to stick with the restaurant we found. Once we got there and sat down they told us we couldn’t order the set meals because we couldn’t. All we could get were hot sandwiches, so we could chose out of 7 choices. We had to wait a very long time to get our little sandwiches. We weren’t very happy about this, but hey, it was an experience that we will try NOT to repeat. Afterwards, we went to MOS BURGER to get some more food to fill our stummies! Problem solved!!! Then at 4:00 had to get Annie and Alex’s artwork that was in the art show building. Then we went our separate ways.

I went to go meet up with Jiin様, since she met her friend for lunch. We were going to go all together, but like I said we left later than expected. Jiin様 and I went to JTB (a Japanese Travel Agency) to see if we could go to Hiroshima because I really really really want to go there, but unlucky me, it was too expensive, so I told Davey he has to take me in the future!!! Problem Solved, ね?!!! We also went to JTB because Jiin様 has to get an estimate for airplane prices going home in August. The school wanted the official estimate form to be stamped, but when we asked for it to be stamped they told us it would cost ¥2,100 (about $22)!!! There was NO WAY we were going to pay for a stamp that we got for FREE at the other Japanese travel agency we went to! So, we took the paper without the stamp. We thought that maybe it was just that travel agency's shore, so we went to another one and their stamp costs ¥3,500 (about $36), so we decided NO STAMP for da school!! Then went shopping for proper, comfy walking shoes for Jiin様’s little feet!!! We found some and they are very cute, comfy, and classy!!! or should I say, “cRassy!” ?o? After Jiin様 buying something for her it was my turn to do the same, so we went to mi favorite store...YODOBASHI CAMERA!! I bought Smash Brothers (video game) for mi wii! Then after buying food we headed back home. HRS!

Nothing tooo exciting has been happening lately, so there really isn’t that much to report! T_T
EXCEPT: I am going home in 7 more Saturdays and 2 days!!! *hugs for everyone* ^_^
1 comment:
i love this post! everyone's baka, ne!
and dude, those sandwiches. it took SO LONG to make. maybe they had to go out and buy a panini iron press. or forge one out of the iron they dug up in the back of the restaurant. i dunno.
my student's name is satomi. she is so cool. :D she has the best taste in music, too. she's part of the art club, so she was probably silently judging our artwork, but it's okay! our existence is artwork, right? right?
okay, thanks for the post. you rock~ and nice rice. btw. too bad you won't be around to eat them when they come out.
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