You would think by the end of November I would feel confident in my thesis and looking forward to being finished by the end of January, but only having 2 months left....I am no where near my goal. Is it really possible? I have a feeling I will be stuck here another semester. Yes, I used the words 'stuck here' that is how much I feel about staying. It is winter, my least favorite season, in which I am depressed and having the lack of sunshine in my life really affects me.
I feel really lost and confused the majority of the time. What is my problem? Am I that stupid? Other people around me already have their defense dates and booking his/her tickets home. I still don't have a solid thesis statement or even a page written. My thesis would be super awesome if I knew what the h3** I was doing. I have researched and researched. Today, one of my classmates told me to change my topic. SERIOUSLY, is that the cure for everything? I would still be lost if I changed my topic, but at least I know a lot of about this topic even if it isn't relevant to the actual material that is going to be in my future-written thesis. I think I am screwed either way. If I stay another semester, I will disappoint a lot of peeps and I don't want to do that, but I am failing here...just plain failing. TT_TT!

T_T Sooooooo Very Sorry Bubba T_T
1 comment:
you can do it honey!
some people are overconfident and book their tickets...
some people will have chosen a really simple topic and had all the luck finding an advisor...
but it's you who's the bestest - don't forget that. you're the winner!!
love you lots babe XXX
p.s. that's a really cute picture you found - trust you, ne.
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