Monday, November 1, 2010

I can do this!

I can do this.
I can do this because of your support.
I can do this because I need to get this done.

I need to get this done.
I need to go where my heart is.
I need my Bubba, I am going to get my Bubba!

This thesis is driving me crazy! @_@ I can't wait until this is done. I have to finish it before January 31st and I just pray to Kami-sama that it will be finished. I feel like my life is being stressfully delayed because of it. I am soo grateful to have people in my life that bring happiness when all I see are rain clouds. My life is better because of them and I am not sure I could stand it here without their presence! So, thank you to the few people in my life that make my life truly blessed, you know who you are....Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
I know I haven't been the same happy jolly person this semester and it is all because of this stupid thesis!!! I know that when this is done, a lot of weight will be lifted off my shoulders and I will shine that much brighter. Until that day....I will be strong and I will endure this fight. I will get this done because my happiness depends on it. Plus, my Bubba is depending on me to get it done! I can't let him down!!!

Thank you all for your love and support. Those few who are getting on my nerves and are adding to my stress levels....leave me alone!!! Other than that...FIGHT-O!!! ^_^

1 comment:

Dave said...

hang in there princess! gambatte!!

gohhhhhhhhhhhh sarah!! XXX