Monday, May 23, 2011

Pray, Love, Eat

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. ~Mark 11:24

There are many things I would like to do and see in my life. I know that there is a purpose for me, but I'm not quite sure what it is at this moment. I hope and pray everything will work out not only in my life, but in everyone's lives.

On another note: I really miss and love mi Bubba A LOT!!!!

“I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.” ~Unknown

Lastly, some food I made

We should look for someone to eat and drink with before looking for something to eat and drink... ~Epicurus

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

To The Choir

I want to write something, but at the same time I feel like I have nothing to write. I haven’t been happy recently I guess it is my fault. I can’t really complain about why I am not happy because I know what people will say…do something about it! I am sooo tired of people telling me that because I am doing something about it and it isn’t working...Apparently I am not worthy, but I still feel like I should have some worth, is that wrong?

If people tell me, “Life is complicated,” then I would say, “You’re preaching to choir!”

I apologize if I am not worthy or have a different way of doing things, but could you please just have a little faith?

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” ~St. Thomas Aquinas

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lack of Sleep, Thesis Complaining Tiredness Z_Z

I have been up for 24 hours now. No, I am not on an airplane or traveling across the International date line. I am trying to get use to changing of my body-clock. My body-clock has been positioned and stuck in the night shift mode, it basically means I get up at 5:00p.m. and I go to bed at 8 a.m.. This has been my crazy thesis writing life, starting a couple weeks before mid-terms. I am trying to break that habit and try to live a normal life once again as my thesis defense approaches in less than two days. @_@. It just happens that I am the very first person in a line of about four. I am actually happy about that because I can...mmmm what's the phrase????..."Lower the bar!" <--I hope I do well, so many people have helped me get this done along with hearing my constant complaining about my lack of direction. Yes, Thank you, you know who you are! ^_~

I am hoping to stay up for another five hours, but time has been going really slow today. WHY???? I mean, yes, I want more time to work on my defense's ppt and practice, but at the same time I would like to go to bed. Oh, the predicament I am in! Life, it is definitely a __________________. (You fill-in the blank too tired to actually be philosophical, hee hee).

All I know is that I am very happy about a certain couple that hasn't seen each other in a long time. Their love is overflowing in this picture and should represent no matter how much life wears us down, we remain durable and double-ply.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Finish Line Still Isn't In Sight!

Today has been one of those days...will it continue??

You would think by the end of November I would feel confident in my thesis and looking forward to being finished by the end of January, but only having 2 months left....I am no where near my goal. Is it really possible? I have a feeling I will be stuck here another semester. Yes, I used the words 'stuck here' that is how much I feel about staying. It is winter, my least favorite season, in which I am depressed and having the lack of sunshine in my life really affects me.

I feel really lost and confused the majority of the time. What is my problem? Am I that stupid? Other people around me already have their defense dates and booking his/her tickets home. I still don't have a solid thesis statement or even a page written. My thesis would be super awesome if I knew what the h3** I was doing. I have researched and researched. Today, one of my classmates told me to change my topic. SERIOUSLY, is that the cure for everything? I would still be lost if I changed my topic, but at least I know a lot of about this topic even if it isn't relevant to the actual material that is going to be in my future-written thesis. I think I am screwed either way. If I stay another semester, I will disappoint a lot of peeps and I don't want to do that, but I am failing here...just plain failing. TT_TT!

The finish line still isn't in sight and I am not sure when it will be.
T_T Sooooooo Very Sorry Bubba T_T

Monday, November 1, 2010

I can do this!

I can do this.
I can do this because of your support.
I can do this because I need to get this done.

I need to get this done.
I need to go where my heart is.
I need my Bubba, I am going to get my Bubba!

This thesis is driving me crazy! @_@ I can't wait until this is done. I have to finish it before January 31st and I just pray to Kami-sama that it will be finished. I feel like my life is being stressfully delayed because of it. I am soo grateful to have people in my life that bring happiness when all I see are rain clouds. My life is better because of them and I am not sure I could stand it here without their presence! So, thank you to the few people in my life that make my life truly blessed, you know who you are....Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!
I know I haven't been the same happy jolly person this semester and it is all because of this stupid thesis!!! I know that when this is done, a lot of weight will be lifted off my shoulders and I will shine that much brighter. Until that day....I will be strong and I will endure this fight. I will get this done because my happiness depends on it. Plus, my Bubba is depending on me to get it done! I can't let him down!!!

Thank you all for your love and support. Those few who are getting on my nerves and are adding to my stress levels....leave me alone!!! Other than that...FIGHT-O!!! ^_^

Friday, June 18, 2010

Little Piggies

The little things that mi Bubba does to cheer me up!!! I love you so much and I can't wait to have you in my arms once again. Kisses xxxxxX ^_^ X

Thank You.

I am almost done! It is hard to believe that I will be going home a week from today! I can't express how happy I am thinking about going home and seeing the people I love. I get to see my family, the love of my life, and not have to worry about case studies, papers, group projects, etc. Don't get me wrong I do like it here in Taiwan, it is just that I miss mi Bubba ~I can't truly be satisfied unless I have him by my side. There are so many adventures that I have had here in Taiwan, mostly within the area of school because getting an MBA is quite a lot of work. I have met so many wonderful people and I am truly honored to have met them. There are a few people that have made an impact in my life here in Taiwan and without you I am certain that I couldn't have survived without your support, you know who you are, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that I am coming back to Taiwan in September, but I just wanted to say my thanks before I went home.

Thank You. Thank You. Thank you.