Friday, October 3, 2008

Back Home Again!

It has been a looooong time, since I wrote on this, but I figured it never toooo late and it's my there!!!
What have I been doing since my last post...mmmm...I went to England to see mi Bubba! It was soooo nice. I can't express how wonderful the experience of going to England and Ireland was or spending time with mi boyfriend I haven't seen in a year. I was only there for a little more than 3 weeks, in which I learned it wasn't enough time. There are sooo many stories I could share with whomever is reading this, but unfortunately I am going to keep them between me and mi Bubba! I will just show some pictures.

Tower Bridge ^_^ London

@ Blarney Castle ^_^ Ireland

Edinburgh Castle ^_^ Scotland


I have been home trying to figure out what I want to do with my life and the only thing that I actually get accomplished is cleaning and baking! Here is what I have baked soooo far. I actually baked more, but haven't taken a picture of those. These desserts are all healthy (btw!)

Apple Pecan Strudel Cake

Scones!!!! ^_^

Chocolate Marble Coffee Cake

Pictures from Caeden's 1st Soccer Game

1 comment:

Dave said...

herrow mi little chef,

those scones look so tasty! i don't know if i've ever really had raisin scones (i can't work out the difference between them and sultanas) but they look a treat!

i never realised that we had habit of taking pics with me on your right and you on my left - cute pics though!! X