Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Birthday, Mi Cam!

Saturday, October 11, was Mi Cam's Birthday!
Happiness Reigns Supreme!!!

It was a busy day trying to get stuff ready for her party and getting the house cleaned to mommy standards. Ahhhhh!!!! I mowed the lawn, dug out a bush, baked sugar cookies (cut, baked, frosted, decorated), finished Cam's present, made puppy chow/food (aka Muddy Buddies), cleaned, etc.

Cam's festivities for her birthday was a PJ party @ 10 P.M. I got to her apartment around 8 P.M., in which I drove there! Ahhhh. Kansas City roads SUCK!!!, but I got there! Banzai. I got there early just incase she needed any help, etc, but it seemed she had it all under control! I really didn't know that many people @ the party, but it was all GOOD! The majority of everyone was dressed in his/her PJs, which was nice because that was the point! Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. I think Cam enjoyed herself too. I always enjoy myself as long as my friends are having a good time!

Pics from Cam's Party:

Rainbow Flowers
Cam and ^_^
The Pink Crew
The Parteeee!!!
Cam beating up her younger brother!!!
My new hair style

Cookies I Made:

Cookies for Cam's Birthday!!

Cookies I made for Alyssa's Work

Mommy and I's Creation

1 comment:

Dave said...

i'm totally impressed with the ice cream cookies! you're so inventive!! X